
Science coaching in Apulia from 2024

From 2024, we will also be offering consulting and coaching for scientific theses and research projects at our new location in Apulia, in the province of Barletta - Trani - Andria. For further information please contact us.
ResearchGate – Profil Sabine Linkersdorff
Pictures® Sabine Linkersdorff

Anniversary & party: Wally Communication Berlin celebrates 20 years

Oktober 2023
A big thank you to all colleagues and friends for the wonderful party at “Salon Babette”.
Source Logo® “Salon Babette” Karl-Marx-Allee

Our offer in 2024:

# Int. & Ext. Corporate Communications/
# Marketing/ Advertising/ Text/
# Creativity/ Innovation/ Design Thinking/
# Employee-Risk-Crisis-Conflict-Communication/
# Personnel Development/ Profiling/
# Communication- and Advertising-Psychology/
# Qualitative & Quantitative Research/
# Science- & Research Coaching/
# Interviewing/ Interview-Analysis/
# Preparation Presentation/
# Consulting Accreditation/

Screenshot MAXQDA MA FOM/Infographic® S.Linkersdorff

19 years Wally Communication Berlin

September 2022
Agency for corporate communications, communication and research.
Foto® Sabine Linkersdorff

Science-Coaching at Studi-Lektor

from 09/2022
Consulting and coaching for scientific graduation and research.
Foto® Sabine Linkersdorff
Studi-Lektor Profil Sabine Linkersdorff
ResearchGate – Profil Sabine Linkersdorff

... also in 2022

Consulting, training, editing in corporate communications, text, communication and research.
Foto® Sabine Linkersdorff

... also in 2022 - Sabine Linkersdorff is a professional appraiser in appraisal teams of evaluation- and accreditation agencies.

ad interim

11/21 - 01/22 dean's office - academy fashion design berlin FRESENIUS university of applied sciences

Foto: ®AMD Berlin

06/2021 - Diploma of Advanced Studies in Interviewing

from 05/2021 - Consulting Corporate Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Text

from 05/2021 - Science Editing / Consulting Research / Interview Training

from 12/2020 - Editing / Interview Analysis / Profiling - INQUA - Institute

Foto Source: M.A. FOM

Foto: Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

06/2020 launch of a new website inclusive online-shop for Corporate Brain®. Corporate Brain® is a Berlin agency for * HR development, * Communication, * Creativity, that has existed since 2013 and is successful on the market. 2013 the trademark Corporate Brain® was registered by the DPMA.

06/2020 Wally Communication Berlin® tops the portfolio and offers * research as well as * corporate communication. Wally Communication Berlin® existed since 2003 and is successful on the market. 2003 the trademark Wally Communication Berlin® was registered by the DPMA.

01/2020 Online-Consultations on the topics Corporate Communication (Advertising, PR, Text, Social Media, Sponsoring &) and Research (qualitative, quantitative, Methods, Research Design, Scientificness, Evaluation, Science-Poster, Presentation) are possible at any time.

Foto: Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Science Projekt TU

We are very happy to be involved in the PROSCIENCE project as a lecturer for science presentations at TU Berlin from July 2020. [canceled due to C19]

Projects in 2020

Hemsley Fraser Group® trainer for internal and external corporate communication (CC), successful correspondence, record keeping, creativity [canceled due to C19] || OSZ presentation techniques, sales training [canceled due to C19] || KFZ-Innung Berlin trainer for internal and external corporate communication (CC) || FIBAA® – expert accreditation universities & scientific institutions [canceled due to C19] || TU PROSCIENCE lecturer in science presentation [canceled due to C19] || for our current customers consulting and implementation of internal and external corporate communication (cc) / market- and communication research / communication-, presentation- and creativity training / consulting and supervision for BA-MA-DR thesis / interviewing / methods || Mister Taff® – marketing, advertising, text || FOM lecturer scientific methods, qualitative research, HR research || HU Continuing Professional Education lecturer in empirical research, science-poster, survey, observation || APOLLON lecturer market- & advertising psychology || listed with trainer-link at manager seminars – expert in further education ||

We are committed

to the Flussbad Berlin e.V. and the coaching model “Jobbrücke” of the Diakonie Berlin.

Institute of Criminalistics

Start of the postgraduate course “Diploma of advanced studies – DAS Interview | survey” at the Institute for Criminalistics (School CIFoS) of the Steinbeis University Berlin.

Empirical Research & Corporate Communication - Consulting / 2019

Foto: Wally Communication Berlin®

Foto: Wally Communication Berlin®

Foto: Wally Communication Berlin®

In the first quarter of 2019 we cordially welcome our three new customers, Diakonie BB, OSZ KW, DBB for the following topics: "Interviewing", "Record Keeping", "Presentation", "Trends in HRM" and "Strategic Brand Management".

Foto 2018 – PRESSEHAUS / Alexanderplatz before the rebuilding – ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

S. Linkersdorff - Expertise Lecture - Training - Seminar / 2019

Scientific Qualitative Methods | FOM-B.A.HealthPsych.& B.A.BusinessAdmin.| SumSem19

Advertis.Psych.& Advertis.Impact Research | APOLLON-B.A.Appl.Psych.| SumSem19

Expertise Accreditation Certification Universities | FIBAA | 2019

Communication Training | Motor Vehicle Guild Berlin | 2019

business holiday 08/18

Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

for companies 18 / 19

consulting – training – realisation:
communication, human resources, advertising, public relation, social media, text, research …

Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

APOLLON, FIBAA, FOM, Humboldt Uni 18/19

Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

From 1st july 2018 - the new customer is the APOLLON GmbH of the KLETT-Group

We look forward to working together in the field of advertising psychology and advertising impact research.

Higher Education Accreditation and Employability: Potentials, Perspectives, and Positioning -

2 July 2018 || 16:00-18:00 (4-6pm) || A joint event by FIBAA, the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) ...

External Communication and Social Media for Databases

06/18 - the management and colleagues of the executive department "Management, Internet, Communication" of a statistical office in Germany and Sabine Linkersdorff / Wally Communication Berlin® will meet to optimize the "external communication" and the "social media strategy" of the office.

Internal Communication and Intergenerational Leadership

April 17, 2018 – “pretty good bosses – intergenerational leadership as a successful model” – FOM Berlin invited Anna-Kristin-David and Rona van der Zander to discuss the subject with an expert audience as part of their event series “Fit for Leadership”. What is the discussion about? An often-said word in the discussion is COMMUNICATION. But HOW does it work exactly?

Wally Communication Berlin® specializes in internal, external corporate communications, risk-, crisis- and conflict- communication and is pleased to advise you on the following topics: Communication – Leadership – Conflict – Emotional Intelligence.

communication for digital transformation


Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

evaluation of research and communication


Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

public relation, text, communication for research


Foto ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

Sabine Linkersdorff - Expertise Lecture Training Seminar Moderation 2018

Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff

Qualitative Personal Research | University FOM – HRM M.A.| SomSem 2018

Methods Qualitative Research | FOM – Economic Psychology B.A.| SumSem 2018

Expertise Accreditation Certification Universities | FIBAA | regular in 2018

Communication Training | Motor Vehicle Guild Berlin | regular in 2018



Fotos ©S. Linkersdorff – Wally Communication®

- the leading fair


artist unknown – ars electronica

for research in Munich


M. Sardon, eyetracking – ars electronica

Surroundings - Communication - StreetArt - "Urban Nation" - Opening 09/16/2017

Foto – veteran street berlin in march 2017 – ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

The Golden Ratio in ..


Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

“Aquarius” by Hanna Roeckle in the Museum of Communication Berlin – “The Golden Ratio as a Theory of Everything?”

.. Art, Architecture


Editing: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

The Museum of Communication Berlin starts in the new year with the exhibition “The Golden Ratio as a Theory of Everything?”

.. & Communication


Editing: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

The Original-Foto was taken by Best-Sabel-University.

Member of GfHF


Wally Communication Berlin® will become a member of the Society for Higher Education Research.


PR & Health


Wally Communication Berlin® advises the management of a market leader in health management in Germany for its PR concept and evaluation.

Bye 2016


Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Wally Communication Berlin® wishes all customers and employees a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Cheers 2017


Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Business Holiday 09/16

Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Appraiser of FIBAA


Sabine Linkersdorff is appointed by the FIBAA – Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation – as an appraiser in the field of marketing, communication, advertising and research.

Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Projects in 2016

Hemsley Fraser Group® – Internal Communication; Successful Correspondence || Motor Vehicle Guild Berlin – Communication Training || FIBAA® – Appraiser || College Mittweida in Berlin – Interactive Media; Communication and Media; Operational & Strategic Communication Management || Current Clients – Internal & External Corporate Communication; Market- and Communication Research; Communication Trainings; Creativity Trainings || Modulor® – UX Website || Telecom Innovation Laboratories® – Use and User Research || College HTW Berlin – Project Management visitor research in the Long Night of the Sciences 2016 || HTW Berlin – Department Business Communication – Lecturer: Methods of Empirical Market- and Communication Research || Mister Taff® – Advertising; Text ||

Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®

Planning for 2017

Humboldt-University Berlin – Methods of Empirical Research; Corporate Identity || FOM – Marketing and Digital Media || Hemsley Fraser Group® – Internal Communication; Successful Correspondence || Motor Vehicle Guild Berlin – Communication Training || FIBAA® – Appraiser || College Mittweida in Berlin – Interactive Media; Communication and Media; Operational & Strategic Communication Management; Market- and Communication Research || Current Clients – Internal & External Corporate Communication; Market- and Communication Research; Communication Trainings; Creativity Trainings || Telecom Innovation Laboratories® – Use- and User- Research || Mister Taff® – Advertising; Text ||

Foto: ©Sabine Linkersdorff – Wally Communication Berlin®